Accelerated hypertension associated with headache, drowsiness, confusion, visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting. Symptoms that appear simultaneously referred to as hypertensive encephalopathy. Encephalopathy caused by severe congestion of small blood vessels and swelling of the brain.
Some of the signs and symptoms are very important in newborns and infants such as failure to thrive, seizures, irritability, lack of energy, and difficulty breathing. In children, high blood pressure can cause headaches, fatigue, blurred vision, nosebleeds, and facial paralysis.
Alert to clinical symptoms above, as the case in children of high blood often not known. In adults, high blood pressure is more easily detected due to the adverse effects can be felt directly. However, in children, similar research has not been done thoroughly to connect the effect side with increasing blood pressure.
Some of the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure caused by interference with the hormone. High blood pressure is also easily affected in obese patients, due to the accumulation of fat in the back of the neck, wide purple marks on the abdomen, or diabetics who have a hormone disorder.
High blood pressure is caused by impaired other hormones such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or excess growth hormone. For example, it can cause weight loss, tremors, abnormal heart rate, redness of the palms, and increased sweating.
Signs and symptoms associated with excess growth hormone, including textured face, protrusion of the lower jaw, enlarged tongue, excessive hair growth, darkening of skin color, and excessive sweating. Other hormonal disorders such as can cause less specific symptoms such as numbness, excessive urination, excessive sweating, electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, and high blood alkalinity but it can also cause excessive stress.
High blood pressure in pregnant women is one of the symptoms of. This can result in protein in the urine, general swelling, and severe seizures. Other symptoms may indicate that brain function becomes impaired may precede these attacks such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and loss of vision.
In addition, systemic vascular resistance and decreased blood pressure during pregnancy. The body must compensate by increasing cardiac output and blood volume to provide adequate circulation in the arterial uteri-placental bed in order to avoid the harmful effects of hypertension.